"Nothing in life is truly free" -Billionaire heiress Betsy Devos, explaining...
Convicted election fraudster and public education opponent Betsy Devos made her billions through hard work -- really, you can't overstate the effort required to emerge from the loins of someone who...
View ArticleGuillotine watch: Paris has become a high-risk zone for the super-rich
The criminals of Paris have targeted super-rich visitors in a string of daring robberies -- one gang broke into Kim Kardashian's hotel room, tied her up, and stole millions in jewels; another...
View ArticlePope to greedheads: better to be an atheist than the kind of Catholic who...
During an "improvised sermon" in his residence during morning mass, Pope Francis excoriated Catholics who lead a "hypocritical double life," going to mass and joining religious organizations while...
View ArticleConnecticut's undertaxed super-rich hedgies get "tax bills" from anti-cuts...
Connecticut, home to the richest hedge-fund managers in America, is going broke, cutting services and gutting pension plans to try and fill its $1.8B budget hole -- a hole it plans on filling by...
View ArticleWealth inequality is correlated with CO2 emissions
A new paper from a trio of Boston College researchers shows that the states with the highest degree of income inequality are also the worst offenders for carbon emissions; as the share of wealth and...
View ArticleUnited's passenger-beatings are a feature of its business, not a bug
In a world where the airlines record-smashing profits comes from a small number of increasingly luxurious first-class seats, the entire focus of the industry is on figuring out how to convince just a...
View Article"Golden Geese": the American 1%ers who arrange a second citizenship to escape...
David Lesperance is a Canadian-born lawyer who specializes in helping the super-rich secretly buy foreign citizenship so they can escape taxation at home. (more…)
View ArticleGuillotine watch: LAX's new one-percenter luxury terminal -- UPDATED with...
Update again: We've had yet another legal threat regarding this. The lawyers for the terminal want us to include the notice below or face litigatation. I think it was all implied by my update...
View ArticleTheresa May wants the UK to die within its means
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81IKostVXZk Theresa May won't use the term "austerity" to describe her government's policies, preferring the misleading phrase, "living within our means" -- a term used...
View ArticleWould-be Montana GOP Congressjerk with ties to sanctioned Russian companies...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQwu4wff7lI Greg Gianforte is a short-tempered, hyper-conservative Montana political hopeful who is standing for the GOP in a special election for a Congressional seat;...
View ArticleA dystopian reboot of some sponsored Internet of Shit content
Dan Hon (previously) took note of a sponsored tweet in The Atlantic's Twitter feed: "SPONSORED: The future city: What changes when everything is connected? #MSFTCloud #ad" and decided to have a go at...
View ArticleWhat does Jeremy Corbyn stand for?
The 2017 UK Labour Manifesto has been hugely popular since it was leaked early last month, and young Britons registered to vote in droves after it got out. But what does it actually say? (more…)
View ArticleBad news: tech is making us more unequal. Good news: tech can make us more...
My latest Guardian column is Technology is making the world more unequal. Only technology can fix this; in it, I argue that surveillance and control technology allow ruling elites to hold onto power...
View ArticleShareholder revolt at Mylan over Epipen-gouging CEO's $98M bonus
The board of directors at Mylan have rewarded former CEO Robert Coury with a $98m bonus as he steps into the executive chairman's role, having overseen a price-gouging scandal over the Epipens used by...
View ArticleLondon fire: just last year, Tory landlord-MPs rejected Labour's tenant...
The death-toll on London's Grenfell Tower fire continues to mount, it's worth remembering that there are no "natural disasters," only human disasters, created by people who weigh different interests...
View ArticleA Hong Kong parking space just sold for USD664K
The 188 square foot parking space went for HKD5.18m (USD664,300) -- HKD27,500/sqft. (more…)
View ArticleChina's billionaires are disappearing into police custody and/or early graves
Dozens of the richest executives in China have disappeared under mysterious circumstances and are assumed to be in police detention as the country pursues an aggressive anti-corruption agenda. (more…)
View ArticleTruck-driving is a modern form of indentured slavery
USA Today undertook a year-long investigation into southern California truckers, so-called "independent contractors" who form a critical link from America's busiest port to the rest of the country,...
View ArticleBank of International Settlements warns of global economic crash, "with a...
The Bank of International Settlements -- the "central bank for central bankers" -- has released its latest annual report, warning that the looming debt crises in China, Hong Kong and Thailand could...
View ArticleTexas Congresscritter wants to gag small investors who object to large CEO...
Rep Jeb Hensarling [R-TX/+1 202 225-3484/@RepHensarling] is the sponsor of HR 10, the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017, which will ban investors from putting petitions to the shareholders and board of...
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